How it works

Above all,  Vision Programming Specialists values your security and trust. Before we begin any project we sign a non-disclosure to protect your intellectual property, processes and at completion, delete all files, drawings and any information you provide us.

  • You provide a drawing with the features you want to check, a clean, focused, registered image of your part saved as a Keyence .ssf or. ssfx file
  • We create the inspection program for your Keyence IM series unit and send back to you. We can also edit your current programs to suit your needs.

  • ​You load the program into your IM unit, place your part on the stage and start measuring your parts!


  • Fills the gap for programming expertise when trained employees are off or have left the  company entirely
  • Eliminates costly and time consuming retraining of new employees

  • Increases productivity by keeping busy employees focused on tasks at hand
  • Allows you to have inspection programs in place before starting your production run
  • ​No burden, benefits or other costs associated with hiring new employees
  • Increased efficiency, saves money and time

Virtual programming or editing provided at  low cost.

Keyence IM series - Vision Programming Specialists


To provide our clients with fast, reliable and secure offline programming for  

Keyence IM Series Machines.

Keyence IM series -

Vision Programming Specialists

 Keyence Stage glass for IM-7020, IM-8020, IM-7030, IM-8030  Keyence IM-6225 Stage glass Keyence IM-7020  IM-7030 replacement stage glass

 Keyence Programming & Keyence Fixtures

As your partner in quality, Vision Programming Specialists provides you with fast response and programming for your Keyence IM series system at the best price possible. We strive to keep you up and running to ensure your quality program performs at optimum capacity.

We know you will find us a cost effective solution to help with your vision system inspection needs. 

​We also provide standard and custom fixturing solutions for all Keyence IM Series Machines.